Saturday, January 19, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday (19)


Hello everyone! It's another Feature & Follow Friday! It's been a blast meeting everyone and following so many blogs. We hope this week will be just as successful as last week! 

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee.

This week's question is...

Q: Who is your favorite villain from a book?

My favorite villain from a book is probably really predictable. I love Voldemort from the Harry Potter books. Voldemort aka Tom Riddle was a real villain who made no apologies about who he was. He was a three-dimensional character with a compelling past and character evolution. His character was never watered down either. He was evil. True evil. He was also incapable of love and therefore was immune to "that girl" trying to save him. I loved that JK Rowling kept him dangerous and truly evil without compromising his character until the bitter, bitter end. So many times these days, villains are watered down because they need to be thrown into a stupid love triangle. I'm glad Voldemort stayed true to himself throughout the whole seven books.

PS: We also have a really cool giveaway going on right now! You can win an ARC of Falling Kingdoms by! Enter the giveaway here! Good luck!

Let me know what you think in the comments! Or if you want, you can just say hi!


  1. Great choice! :)
    Thanks for following Mine. Followed.

  2. Thanks for the follow (and the comment!). Although Voldemort is popular in the F&F he truly is an excellent villain, containing all of the classic antagonist characteristics and well-written by Ms. Rowling.

  3. The most famous one :D Thanks for dropping by on my page. Following back :)

  4. Thank you for following!Just followed back! :)

  5. Excellent choice! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm following back :D

  6. Great choice in your answer!
    Harry Potter is an awesome series.

    Feel free to hop on over to follow me as well.
    We are a Brand new Book Touring company and are looking for enthusiastic Tour Hosts to join us, if you you are interested then head on over and fill out the aplication form, be sure to let your friends know as well. We would love to have you with us!

  7. Thanks for following my blog!!! New follower!! :D

  8. Following you back (finally) via GFC! It's fun to meet another partner blog. :)

    ~Susan @ The Feather and the Rose


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