Saturday, January 12, 2013

Follow and Feature Friday (18)

Hello everyone! It's another Feature & Follow Friday! It's been a blast meeting everyone and following so many blogs. We hope this week will be just as successful as last week! 

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee.

This week's question is...

Q: If you could choose one supernatural being/creature to really exists what would it be and why? ex. fae { submitted by @SeeingNight }

I wish wizards and witches were real like in the Harry Potter books. I wish Hogwarts was a real place and I could go there. I would love if objects were enchanted, Quidditch was a real sport, and people really flew hippogriffs. I would also love to be a witch in the Harry Potter world. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to teach at Hogwarts. I mean how cool would that be?! Seriously, I sometimes dream about it. ;)

PS: We also have a really cool giveaway going on right now! You can win an ARC of Falling Kingdoms by! Enter the giveaway here! Good luck!

Let me know what you think in the comments! Or if you want, you can just say hi!


  1. You'd make an awesome teacher at Hogwarts! :)

  2. Hogwarts would be a great place to teach!

    New Linky Follower
    My FF

  3. Oh my God hahaha! I want this one too! I love Hogwarts. I'm one of those "still waiting for the Hogwarts acceptance letter that never came..." :/

    Old follower.

    My FF: :)

  4. Also, ladies, you should post your answer to this:

    Which door would you choose?


Thank you so much for visiting our blog! We'd love to hear from you! =)